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My reading notes




“我们的确有与你们所谓的情感相等的东西,虽然这些不是你们所知的爱、恨或愤怒。对你们的‘情感’最恰当的描述是,那是与‘内在感官(inner senses)’有关的远较伟大的心理事件与经验,在三度空间里的实质化”。


“你全部的本体只有一部分‘现在’为你所熟悉。因此,当你思考一个至高的存在体‘supreme being’这个问题时,你便会想象一个人格,具有你自己所拥有的那些能力,并且特别强调你所推崇的那些特质。这个想象出来的上帝于是随着时代而改变,反映出人对他自己想法的改变”。



这位信奉天主教的留德西医(朱仲刚大夫)最初和乐老师一习一 拳为的只是强身,没想到练了几年后某日在上海的电车里突然看见挤得像沙丁鱼的人群缝隙中,居然夹杂着五颜六色呈气体状的怪东西。他发现如果有人到站下车腾出一些空间,这些气体就会变得胖一点,如果空间很窄,它们就变成了狭长形。下车时他突然有一股想要呕吐的感觉,不久就大病了一场,从此随时可以看见另外一个次元的存有。他把这事儿告诉了老师,老师要他不必担忧,也无须执著,这只是陰陽眼开启的现象。后来朱医生不但开了陰陽眼,同时还能看见人一体 的一精一微组织、内脏和灵光等等,身边的人昵称他为“X 光眼”。








Chap. 1 我走上街, 人行道上有一個深洞, 我掉了下去。 我迷失了......我絕望了。 這不是我的錯, 費了好大的勁才爬出來。
Chap. 2 我走上同一條街。 人行道上有一個深洞, 我假裝沒看到, 還是掉了進去。 我不能相信我居然會掉在同樣的地方。 但這不是我的錯, 還是花了很長的時間才爬出來。
Chap. 3 我走上同一條街。 人行道上有一個深洞, 我看到它在那兒, 但還是掉了進去...... 這是一種習氣。 我的眼睛張開著, 我知道我在那兒。 這是我的錯。 我立刻爬了出來。
Chap. 4 我走上同一條街, 人行道上有一個深洞, 我繞道而過。
Chap. 5 我走上另一條街。


无常的讯息: 死亡之中有什么希望

空 如果一切都是无常的,那么一切就是我们所谓的「空」,也就是说,一切都没有任何持久、稳定和本自具足的存在;一切事物,如果能够看见它们的真正关系,必然不是各自独立的,而是相互依存的。佛陀把宇宙比喻成一个广大的网,由无数各式各样的明珠所织成,每一颗明珠都有无数的面向。每一颗明珠本身都反映出网上的其他明珠,事实上,每一颗明珠都含有其他明珠的影子。 就以海浪为例吧!从某一方面看,海浪似乎具有明显独立的个体,有始有终,有生有死。从另一方面看,海浪本身并不是真的存在,它只不过是水的行为而已,「空」无任何个体,而是「充满」着水。所以,当你真正思考海浪时,你将发现它是由风和水暂时形成的,依存于一组不断在改变的条件。你也将发现每一波浪之间都有关联。 当你认真观察,就可以发现万物本身并不真实存在,这种非独立存在,我们称之为「空」。

六章3 业

业 Karma, 因果的自然律




我的理解是,最低的境界和最高的境界常常看起来是很像的。 婴儿最初的状态没有分化、没有边界、没有你我之分,觉得一切都是合一的。开悟的人据说就是这种境界,觉得你就是我,我就是你,我就是万物,万物都是我,我心就是世界,世界就是我心。这是很好的东西,但如果你处于混沌无明状态,也有类似感觉,这是非常可怕的,会给自己和周围人带来巨大问题。





Emotions - Osho

You have met a friend: of course, it appears that they joy is coming from your friend, from seeing him. That is not the actual case. The joy is always within you. The friend has just become a situation. The friend has helped it to come out, has helped you to see that it is there.

The same with everything, with anger, with sadness, with misery, with happiness, with everything. It is so. Others are only situations in which things that are hidden in you are expressed. They are not causes; they are not causing something in you. Whatsoever is happening, is happening to YOU. It has always been there.

Whenever you are alone, there is nobody to provoke your anger, nobody to create an opportunity where you can become sad, nobody to bring your own false faces before you. You are lone: anger does not arise. Not that anger has disappeared – simply the situation for anger is not there. You are full of anger, but nobody is there to insult you, to hurt you.

Watch anger in all its phases, be alert to it so it does not catch you unawares; remain watchful, seeing every step of the anger. And you will be surprised: that as awareness about the ways of anger grows, the anger starts evaporating.

《Many Lives, Many Masters》

“I have been to different planes at different times. Each one is a level of higher consciousness. What plane we go to depends upon how far we’ve progressed…”she was silent again, I asked her what lessons she had to learn in order to progressed. She answered immediately.

“That we must share our knowledge with other people. That we all have abilities far beyond what we use. Some of us find this out sooner than others. That you should check your vices before you come to this point. If you do not, you carry them over with you to another life. Only we can ride ourselves…of the bad habits that we accumulate when we are in a physical state. The Masters cannot do that for us. If you choose to fight and not to ride yourself, then you will carry them over into another life. And only when you decide that you are strong enough to master the external problems, then you will no longer have them in your next life.

“We also must learn not to just go to those people whose vibrations are the same as ours. It is normal to feel drawn to somebody who is on the same level that you are. But this is wrong. You must also go to those people whose vibrations are wrong…with yours. This is the importance…in helping…these people.

“We are given intuitive powers we should follow and not try to resist. Those who resist will meet with danger. We are not sent back from each plane with equal powers. Some of us possess powers greater than others, because they have been accrued from other times. Thus people are not all created equal. But eventually we will reach a point where we will all be equal.”


Patience and timing…everything comes when it must come. A life cannot be rushed, cannot be worked on a schedule as so many people want it to be. We must accept what comes to us at a given time, and not ask for more. But life is endless, so we never die; we were never really born. We just pass through different phases. There is no end. Humans have many dimensions. But time is not as we see time, but rather in lessons that are learned.

Everything will be clear to you in time. But you must have a chance to digest the knowledge that we have given to you already.


“Why do we come back to learn? Why can’t we learn as spirits?”
“Those are different levels of learning, and we must learn some of them in the flesh. We must feel the pain. When you’re a spirit you feel no pain. It is a period of renewal. Your soul is being renewed. When you’re in physical state in the flesh, you can feel pain; you can hurt. In spiritual form you do not feel. There is only happiness, a sense of well-being. But it’s a renewal period for…us. The interaction between people in the spiritual form is different. When you are in physical state…you can experience relationships.”

Mutant Message Down Under

Born empty handed,
Die empty handed.
I witnessed life at its fullest, Empty handed.

According to the tribe, a gift is only a gift when you give someone what the person wants. It is not a gift if you give what you want them to have. A gift has no attachment. It is given unconditionally. The persons receiving it have the right to do anything with the gift: use it, destroy it, give it away, whatever. It is theirs without condition, and the giver expects nothing in return. If it doesn’t fit that criteria, it is not a gift.

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