3. Sky burial 天葬

4. Going home from market, in the mountains often you can go miles without seeing any village 归途

5. Homes 家园

6. Grandma's back is where the children grow up on. 祖母

7. Wild mushroom season. 森林的馈赠

8. Horse racing 赛马

9. Yaks 牦牛

scenes of Tibet 2023 wall calendar on amazon

10. Early Autumn in Dêqên 初秋

11. From morning till night 饮食

12. Monks exploring the Mamiya TLR film camera. 僧侣


scenes of Tibet 2023 wall calendar on amazon

2023-2024 Holidays & Notable Dates


Keiko Wong, 常居喜马拉雅山系末苍山脚下。


Makedo-Pulibshing & Moongate Books


https://www.amazon.com/dp/1647756707 官网链接


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